Why cyber defence is stuck in a dilemma

Cyber defence faces a growing disconnect between perception and reality. There are two main camps in the information security world today, and their arguments can be compared to the recent sports debate over whether Tim Tebow can be successful as an NFL quarterback in the long term. In one camp,…

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Symantec confirms Adobe Reader exploits targeted defence companies

Security researchers at Symantec today confirmed that exploits of an unpatched Adobe Reader vulnerability targeted defense contractors, among other businesses. “We’ve seen [this targeting] people at telecommunications, manufacturing, computer hardware and chemical companies, as well as those in the defense sector,” said Joshua Talbot, senior security manager in Symantec’s security…

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Ministry of Defence admits losing 188 laptops

The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has admitted losing 280 computers in the last 18 months but claimed that in almost all cases encryption would have been in place to ensure data security. In a blog post, the Ministry reacted to defence secretary Andrew Robathan’s revelation in a parliamentary written…

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