The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has filed a brief asking a US court to figure out a way to return data to Megaupload users cut off from their files in January. Legitimate third parties who held the copyright for their data have not been able to access their files since…
India demands Real time monitoring on Indian Gmail & Yahoo Emails
Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
India demands Real time monitoring on Indian Indian Gmail & Yahoo Emails
Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
Mozilla demands authorities revoke corporate SSL authority
Mozilla has asked all certificate authorities (CAs) to revoke subordinate CA certificates currently used for corporate SSL traffic management, offering an amnesty to any CAs that had breached Mozilla’s conditions for having their root certificates ship with its products. The request comes after Trustwave recently admitted to issuing a sub-CA…
Hackers group releases demands to Mexican government, bus companies
A hackers group known as ‘Anonymous’ has released a series demands to the Mexican government and bus companies in order to halt a planned December 10th cyber attack. View full post on anonymous hacker – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Mozilla Demands Certificate Authorities Ensure Security (September 8, 2011)
Mozilla has given certificate authorities eight days to take steps to ensure that their systems are secure from attacks like the one that affected DigiNotar……. View full post on SANS NewsBites View full post on National Cyber Security Gregory Evans | LinkedIn Interview With Gregory Evans Gregory Evans Security Expert…