THE IRANIAN HACKER who claims to be responsible for the Diginotar certificate authority (CA) compromise has released a file signed with the rogue Google certificate in order to prove that he knows the certificate authority’s private key. The Diginotar hack has raised serious questions about the reliability of the current…
Is Comodo Hacker Behind the DigiNotar Attack?
Known as the Comodo Hacker for breaking into the network of certificate authority Comodo and issuing fake certificates, the Iranian hacker identified himself as “Ichsun” and claimed to have struck back with another hacking operation in July, the DigiNotar. In a message posted from a Pastebin account, the hacker justified his hacking…
(Possible) Diginotar Hacker Comes Forward
3.2 Compromised CAs The attacker(s) had acquired the domain administrator rights. Because all CA servers were members of the same Windows domain, the attacker had administrative access to all of them. Due to the limited time of the ongoing investigation we were unable to determine whether all CA servers were…
Comodo hacker: I hacked DigiNotar too; other CAs breached
The hack of Dutch certificate authority DigiNotar already bore many similarities to the break-in earlier this year that occurred at a reseller for CA Comodo. Bogus certificates were issued for webmail systems, which were in turn used to intercept Web traffic in Iran. Another similiarity has since emerged: the perpetrator…
ComodoHacker responsible for DigiNotar Attack
Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
Comodo hacker claims credit for DigiNotar attack
The hacker responsible for a stunning attack on a Dutch company that issues security certificates for websites warned on Monday that he would “strike back again,” after previously breaching another company earlier this year. The hacker posted the warning on Pastebin under the handle “Comodohacker.” The same account was used…
Comodo hacker claims he compromised Diginotar and other CAs
THE IRANIAN HACKER who previously broke into the network of a certificate authority (CA) Comodo reseller and issued rogue certificates for high-profile domains, has claimed to be responsible for the July breach at Diginotar that had similar consequences. In a message posted from a Pastebin account used in March to…