Is Google actually evil?

Few tech company-names ever become common English-language terms. No one ever asks you to “Microsoft” a document or “Apple” a video. Yet the verb “to Google” is so commonplace it’s lost its initial-cap. As journalists, we often google companies we report on to check their press releases or find biographical…

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FEATURE: Resident Evil: The Story So Far

A run through the RE lore. Note: Because it’s currently unclear exactly how the plot of RE: Revelations ties into the larger RE mythos (aside from taking place before RE5), this narrative focuses on the adventures of Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield, who founded the BSAA and are the main…

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No nyms equals evil

Network World – Two weeks ago I contended that “Freedom and privacy, in any meaningful sense, are dead” and discussed the two types of privacy, “factual” privacy, which concerns “static” data such as your age and cholesterol level, and “lifestream” privacy which is the realtime data about things such as…

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