Malware writers have created fake Instagram websites to distribute Android Trojan horses, according to security researchers from antivirus firms Sophos and Trend Micro. Originally developed for Apple’s iOS devices, Instagram allows smartphone users to take photos, apply various digital filters to them and share the resulting images on social networking…
Android malware writers exploit Instagram craze with SMS Trojan
Malware writers have created fake Instagram websites to distribute Android Trojan horses, according to security researchers from antivirus firms Sophos and Trend Micro. Originally developed for Apple’s iOS devices, Instagram allows smartphone users to take photos, apply various digital filters to them and share the resulting images on social networking…
Java update for OS X patches Flashback malware exploit
Following the recent Flashback malware developments for OS X where unpatched vulnerabilities in the latest Java runtime for OS X were being exploited, Apple has issued an update that brings Java up-to-date and patches these vulnerabilities. The patch is available via Software Update for systems that have Java installed, but…
Update of Android malware uses exploit to take over
LeNa displays what looks like the official Android marketplace once it is on the device. (Credit: Lookout) A new variant of a piece of Android malware dubbed LeNa (Legacy Native) has been modified so that it does not require user interaction to take control of a device, mobile security firm…
Flashback malware evolves to exploit unpatched Java vulnerabilities
The Flashback Trojan horse is a fairly recent malware package developed for OS X that attempts to steal personal information by injecting code into Web browsers and other applications on an OS X system. When these programs are then launched, the malicious code attempts to contact remote servers and upload…
Armageddon DDoS botnet using Apache Killer exploit
DDoS botnet Armageddon integrates a relatively new exploit known as Apache Killer in the malware’s latest version, distributed denial-of-service mitigation vendor Arbor Networks have announced this week. The Apache Killer exploit was released in August 2011. It exploits a vulnerability in the Apache web server by sending a specially crafted…
Anonymous Hacker Group Fawkes Security’ Unveils The ”Legion Exploit Kit”
F@WKES S3CURITY View full post on National Cyber Security
Entire Cryptome whistleblowing site hacked by Blackhole exploit kit
The whistleblowing website was hit by a serious web hijack last week that for several days borrowed thousands of its pages to serve malware, the organisation has admitted. Starting on 8 February, attackers were able to hide malicious scripts pointing to malware on every one of the site’s 6,000…
Viruses exploit social media news on Whitney Houston’s death
An Internet security firm has found a “clickjacker” on Facebook and a suspicious link circulating on Twitter. View full post on social media scam – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security hacked into serving up Blackhole exploit kit
Secret publishing site was infected over the past weekend exposing thousands of users to the Blackhole exploit kit. Find out what happened and some advice for webmasters to keep their sites clean and safe. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security