Twitter spammers infect users with fake antivirus programs

A large spam campaign observed on Twitter during the last couple of days directed users to malicious websites that exploited vulnerabilities in browser plug-ins to infect their computers with rogue antivirus programs, according to security researchers from antivirus firm Kaspersky Lab. While monitoring the spam campaign for several hours, Kaspersky’s…

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Fake credit cards scam Publix

On March 19, a man with three credit cards purchased American Express gift cards at Publix. The cards were found to be counterfeit due to a security breach at one of Eglin Federal Credit Union’s suppliers. All the cards have been canceled but anyone attempting to purchase gift cards with…

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NATO commander targeted by fake Facebook page

A simple Facebook impersonation attack was used to tempt personal data from military and government associates of NATO’s supreme Commander James Stavridis, news sources have reported. Despite NATO staff having been warned about fake Facebook pages in the past, The Daily Telegraph reports that “senior British military officers and Ministry…

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