The world of child protection in Pennsylvania has turned upside over the past year or so with two dozen new laws put in place to bolster child safety along with new systems installed for reporting child abuse and neglect. Given all those changes spurred at least in part by the Jerry…
Police offer reward to find ID theft suspects
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Two suspects are accused of identity theft and police are offering a reward to help find the suspects. Phoenix Police say two people broke into a woman’s vehicle at Planet Fitness at 3rd Street and Bell Road on July 26th of…
Boca Raton-Based Child Rescue Coalition Works “To Find Those That Victimize Kids”
It is some of the most sophisticated and fascinating technology that you will ever see and it’s being used right here in South Florida – and across the country – to catch people sharing, viewing and even creating child pornography. The tech is responsible for the headline-grabbing arrest over the…
Facebook glitch helps man find his true love
Man accidentally logins into Facebook page of a stranger that leads him to the true love of his life Everybody is in search of true love these days. How about you finding your love by accident? Yes, that’s what happened when a man met the love of his life on…
Scientists find Mealworms can safely eat the plastic in our garbage
Study reveals Mealworms can digest Styrofoam all-plastic diet and not die Researchers have finally found some solution to tackle the ever growing plastic waste which is considerably impacting the environment. Nowadays, one is sure to find plastic almost anywhere and everywhere as it mainly helps to make life much easier and…
Which smartwatches sold the most at Amazon and Best Buy last quarter? Find out here!
Perhaps not as quickly as some had expected, smartwatches are finding their way onto consumers’ wrists. Despite the less than spectacular sales, most of the major global players in the smartphone industry are churning out the wearable device. With a plethora of timepieces to choose from, which models were rung…
Some AT&T Nokia Lumia 830 owners find a way to flash the Lumia Denim update on their phone
AT&T never sent out the Lumia Denim update for the Nokia Lumia 830. But there is still hope for those AT&T customer rocking the Windows Phone handset. Apparently, some Lumia 830 users were able to flash the update onto their phones from the Windows Phone Recovery Tool server. The app…
Here’s how you can find out if you were spied on by the UK and US governments
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Want to know if the British and American government are spying on you? You don’t need to go through a… For more information go to, http://www., or The post Here’s how you can find out if you…
Is the UK government spying on you? Here’s how you can find out
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans In 2014, the world discovered that US security agency NSA had been spying on the communications of millions of its own citizens. But what about over here on the other side of the pond? Has GCHQ been spying on us too?…
Now You can find out if NSA and GCHQ spied on you
How to find out if GCHQ and the NSA spied on you The British Civil Liberties Group, Privacy International is now offering a new online tool through which individuals and organizations can file complaints with GCHQ about surveillance of phone calls and internet usage. Privacy International has long concerned itself…