Facebook and first dates

How exactly does a young mum, aged 23, end up as a getaway driver in an armed robbery instead of going on a hot date with an old friend she reconnected with on Facebook? In the teeny tiny town of Ferndale, about 20 miles north of Cardiff in Wales, Leah…

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Iran Officially Opens First Nuclear Power Plant

Iran celebrated the official opening of the nation’s first nuclear power plant today, a worrisome milestone for Western critics of the Iranian nuclear program. Iranian and Russian officials came together in a ceremony today for the formal launch of the long-delayed facility, the first nuclear plant in the Middle East,…

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Mobile malware up 273% in first half of 2011

Malware for smartphones and tablets is up 273% in the first half of 2011, compared with the same period in 2010, a study has shown. Research from G Data Security Labs shows cyber criminals are increasingly targeting mobile devices, with cross-platform Trojans dominating the malware landscape. In the first half…

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Study tracks first signs of Android botnet infections

Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting Android devices with crimeware that is actively communicating with multiple criminal command-and-control servers. <img alt="Study tracks first signs of Android botnet infections, Blog, infections, tracks, Android, botnet, Study, first, signs"height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz &partnerID=167&key=segment”/><img alt="Study tracks first signs of Android botnet infections, Blog, infections, tracks,…

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