Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Passwords are the first line of defense against cyber criminals. It is the most vital secret of every activity we do over the internet and also a final check to get into any of your user account, whether it is your…
‘Elite’ hacker done in by everyday iPhone function
GCN LAB IMPRESSIONS ‘Elite’ hacker done in by everyday iPhone function By John Breeden II Apr 18, 2012 It’s always amazing to see how the biggest criminals eventually get caught. I mean, Al Capone probably murdered hundreds of people, yet he eventually went to jail for tax evasion. Probably more…
12.6.10 PHP “htmlspecialchars()” Function Buffer Overflow
CVEs: CVE: Not Available Platform: Cross Platform View full post on @RISK: The Consensus Security Alert View full post on National Cyber Security
PHP is_a function vulnerability
<!– PHP is_a function vulnerability –> PHP is_a function vulnerability news / advisories / forum / software / advertising / search / exploits BUGTRAQSecurityVulns ID:11919Type:PHP : PHP 5.3Original documentcipri_(at), Security issue is_a function in PHP 5.3.7+ (26.09.2011)Discuss:Read or add your comments to this news (0 comments) test server…