Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans dward Snowden’s Russian handler says the NSA contractor turned hacker refuses to use an iPhone… because the NSA can spy on it at will. Forbes reported in 2013 that documents dumped by Snowden showed the NSA had developed spyware for all smart phones….
Oculus: The new gadget for Cyber war
Darpa worked hard to find out the easiest ways of tackling with the cyber war. According to them, the ways should be so much feasible that fighting with the cyber war would become like a video game. The research branch of the Pentagon has performed the demonstration for the Plan-X…
PCAdvisor: Would you like to smell your tweets? This gadget will help…
PCAdvisor: Would you like to smell your tweets? This gadget will help… View full post on Twitter / PCAdvisor View full post on National Cyber Security
Cyber Monday Sale on Gadget Shop ThinkGeek launched
The best online shop to get geeky gadgets has launched their Cyber Monday Sale. The ThinkGeek Cyber Monday 2011 Sale is offering free shipping on any order with coupon code CYBERMONDAY. ThinkGeek’s… View full post on cyber wars – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Gadget Lab Podcast: PlayStation Phone, Android Hacks, Mac Malware
In this week’s Gadget Lab podcast, the crew talks shop about the new PlayStation phone, a popular Android mod, a lame patent troll exploiting app programmers and the state of Macintosh viruses. Mike Isaac kicks off the show with his take on Sony-Ericsson’s Xperia Play, an Android phone with a…