Demonic Possession from COD Online Gaming?

American youths have unknowingly become desensitized and brainwashed victims by over 10 yrs of online gaming., Since almost the beginning, the US military has developed and sponsored these psychic driving brainwashing online cyber war scenarios used specifically to desensitize soldiers […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry… View full…

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Hackers spreading malware via kids gaming websites

London, Jan.17 (ANI): Hackers are increasingly targeting child-focused gaming websites to spread malware, a leading anti-virus firm has revealed. According to the BBC, Avast says it has detected malware threats at more than 60 sites that contained “game” or “arcade” in their title, in the 30 days running up to…

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Incredible Battlefield 3 Gaming Simulator

The video above is nearly 20 minutes long, but it’s definitely worth watching.  This incredible project creates the ultimate gaming experience by emersing the player into the world of Battlefield 3. If you get shot, you get hit by paintballs. If you crouch, so does your player. You get the…

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Incredible Battlefield 3 Gaming Simulator

The video above is nearly 20 minutes long, but it’s definitely worth watching.  This incredible project creates the ultimate gaming experience by emersing the player into the world of Battlefield 3. If you get shot, you get hit by paintballs. If you crouch, so does your player. You get the…

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Incredible Battlefield 3 Gaming Simulator

The video above is nearly 20 minutes long, but it’s definitely worth watching.  This incredible project creates the ultimate gaming experience by emersing the player into the world of Battlefield 3. If you get shot, you get hit by paintballs. If you crouch, so does your player. You get the…

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Online Gaming Network’s Forums Hacked

Steam, the online gaming network run by game company Valve, confirmed that its forums had been hacked and warned users to keep a close eye on their credit card statements. The service’s forums had been defaced earlier in the week, resulting in some gamers receiving e-mails from a hacking Web…

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