Got a kid with dreams of hacking? Dedicated to children, r00tz Asylum takes place at the annual DEF CON hacking conference, offering a three-day schedule jam-packed with learning and fun for young padawan hackers. This year the event took place […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Hacker Group Anonymous Become ‘The Good Guys’?
The digital realm is made up a lot like Hollywood’s version of the Old West: there are the lawless bad guys (black hats) and the so-called “white knight” good guys who adhere to a code of morality and justice for […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
The FTC Is Looking For A Few Good Robocall Hackers
The FCC is not the only federal agency tasked with regulating telephone calls. The FTC also regulates telephone calls pursuant to the Telemarketing Sales Rule (“TSR”) (16 C.F.R. § 310 et seq.). And while the scope of the TCPA and the TSR […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Data breaches: Good guys who think like bad guys
Hacker — for most people the term evokes an image of a sinister cyber-delinquent sitting in front of a computer screen full of unrecognizable code trying to break into networks for their own personal gain. “Not everyone wants to be a bad guy,” said Casey Ellis, CEO of Bugcrowd. Read…
Fox Good Day Show – Wolfhound-PRO Cell Phone Detector
Scott Schober, wireless security expert and BVS President & CEO, visits Kelly D’Ambrosio of Fox 31 WFXL’s Good Day morning show to demonstrate direction find… ________________________ – – –
Fox Good Day Morning Show – TransitHound Cell Phone Detector
Scott Schober, wireless security expert and BVS President & CEO, visits Kelly D’Ambrosio of Fox 31 WFXL’s Good Day morning show to demonstrate the latest met… ________________________ – – –
Fox Good Day Morning Show – Covert Antenna Cell Phone Detection
Scott Schober, wireless security expert and BVS President & CEO, visits Kelly D’Ambrosio of Fox 31 WFXL’s Good Day morning show to demonstrate the latest in … ________________________ – – –
Password breakers are not that good!
We all used to think that password breakers are a good thing because you could forget your difficult passwords any time but it seems like that they could get malicious as well. Use of password cracking software can do disaster when this software gets mixed with the Trojan viruses. It’s…
Vulnerabilities in the Windows is not a good thing
We hardly doubt about the vulnerability of most usable product, which is Windows. It is present in every PC out there. But unfortunately, the issue just found in the Windows XP version, which is making all the users to upgrade their OS to the better one. Is Microsoft really trying…
Good Bye Privacy as Yahoo removes ‘Do Not Track’ Privacy tool
Latest announcement by Yahoo! on May 2, 2014 says the company is dropping off its browser’s ‘Do Not Track’ (DNT) privacy tool. “As of today, web browser Do Not Track settings will no longer be enabled on Yahoo,” read the official For more information go to, http://www., or…