Gallery: how the surveillance industry markets spyware to governments

A collection of documents recently published by Wikileaks casts a light on surveillance vendors who sell intrusive monitoring technology to governments and law enforcement agencies. This growing industry—which serves countries around the world—offers the ability to monitor entire populations and circumvent the privacy and security safeguards built into conventional consumer…

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Wikileaks docs reveal that governments use malware for surveillance

The latest round of documents published by Wikileaks offers a rare glimpse into the world of surveillance products. The collection—which Wikileaks calls the Spy Files—includes confidential brochures and slide presentations that companies use to market intrusive surveillance tools to governments and law enforcement agencies. A report that Wikileaks published alongside…

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German Governments admit spyware was theirs

German Governments admit spyware was theirs By David HeathTuesday, 11 October 2011 23:40 Business IT – Security During the past 24 hours, as many as four German state governments have admitted to using spyware against their citizens.   Recent European and other press reports have clarified the situation with the…

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