Good bye marketing! Hello growth hacking

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans I am currently reading Ryan Holiday’s book, Growth Hacker Marketing, alongside other growth hacking resources, about 33 of them in total. The reason I am on the growth hacking crash course is because I am no longer interested in doing The…

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Transitioning Summer PD into Student Growth

Having a robust professional learning network has lead us to find so many new professional development opportunities.  Matt and I attended iPadpalooza in Austin this June and while we had tremendous learning and inspiration it begs […] The post Transitioning Summer PD into Student Growth appeared first on EducationCloset. View full…

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Language and Growth Mindset – What’s the Connection?

“You’re so smart!” “You’re so talented!” “Good job!” “Nice work!” These kinds of statements are frequently heard from well-meaning adults to children. All of these sound like good things to say to students, right? Unfortunately […] The post Language and Growth Mindset – What’s the Connection? appeared first on EducationCloset….

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