North Korean hackers stole US fighter jet blueprints

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans As part of a years-long cyber attack, North Korean hackers have allegedly stolen 42,000 materials from South Korean organizations and government agencies, including blueprints for F-15 fighter jet wings. The hacking began in 2014 and was first detected in February, according…

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Why narcissists are an easy target for hackers

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Are you something of a selfie-fiend, constantly craving likes on your Instagram posts? Or perhaps you’re a sucker for social media popularity, accepting any Facebook friend request in order to feel loved? If that sounds like you, then you’re probably going…

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We need to root out hackers before they have a chance to strike

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans By 2006, the United States was losing two wars simultaneously in Iraq and Afghanistan, and many of the entrenched interests in the country—political, military, economic, journalistic—were whistling past the proverbial graveyard and pretending that everything was fine. Ten years later, the…

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