Apple, Google encryption ‘not helping’ criminal investigation: AFP

Access to encryption technology, the growth of cloud services, and the Internet of Things pose challenges to the way the Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigates both traditional and online criminal activity. Speaking at the CeBIT GovInnovate conference in Canberra on […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Is this Ukrainian helping to sell millions of stolen Target credit card numbers online? Security expert claims he has identified black market salesman

Unmasked: Security expert Brian Krebs has identified Andrew Hodiverski, pictured, as the operator of the underground online ‘card shop’ that has been selling millions of credit card numbers stolen from Target   The web security blogger who broke the news about the massive Target credit and debit card breach has identified…

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‘Rica helping jail criminals’

Rica legislation has proven useful in helping police secure convictions with intercepted cellphone evidence, Deputy Justice Minister Andries Nel said on Tuesday. View full post on cellphone security – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security

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