On 22 August we spoke to Wikileaks’ spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson about the sentencing of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning and the Edward Snowden NSA leaks. I… ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com
“Obama is possibly the biggest hypocrite of any president” – Wikileaks’ Kristinn Hrafnsson
On 22 August we spoke to Wikileaks’ spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson about the sentencing of Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning and the Edward Snowden NSA leaks. I… ________________________ https://gregorydevans.com – http://gregorydevans.wordpress.com – http://hackerforhire.com – http://hackerforhireusa.com