Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption: LPR system fromVigiliant Solutions Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
IACP 2013: County sheriff’s department in North Forks, ND, is among a handful of current operators of unmanned aircraft systems
Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption: Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
IACP 2013: ‘Fair and Impartial Policing’ are new buzz words in U.S. law enforcement
Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders A new way to think about the role that bias often plays in community policing was described in a panel entitled, Is Your Sub-Conscious Interfering With Your Policing? Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
IACP 2013: Police in North Forks, ND, are among a handful of current operators of unmanned aircraft systems
Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption: Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
IACP 2013: ecoATM’s reinforced green metal boxes accept and pay instantly for used cell phones
Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector: communications Image Caption: Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
IACP Conference, 2012: Kim Webley and Shannon Turner, FileOnQ
law_enforcement_first_responders Kim Webley, founder of FileOnQ, says the company serves law enforcement by focusing on property and evidence management from the crime scene to the courtroom. He indicates that the company was founded 15 years ago to fill records management needs, to insure a defensible chain of custody and to…
IACP Conference, 2012: Eric Ivers, “The Robot Guy”, RoboteX, Inc
law_enforcement_first_responders Eric Ivers gives a demonstration of the RoboteX robot and indicates that they are sold mainly to law enforcement agencies, the military, SWAT teams, Army rangers and the company is presently developing a new market with special ops. He estimates that the RoboteX models are the best priced robots…
IACP Conference, 2012: Kim Wembly and Shannon Turner, FileOnQ
law_enforcement_first_responders Kim Wembly, founder of FileOnQ, says the company serves law enforcement by focusing on property and evidence management from the crime scene to the courtroom. He indicates that the company was founded 15 years ago to fill records management needs, to insure a defensible chain of custody and to…
IACP Conference, 2012: Dr. Frank Trocki, Aspen University, Denver, CO
law_enforcement_first_responders Categories: Education/Training, Law Enforcement, Military/Force Protection, State/Local Security, Federal Agencies, Communications <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,115,0" id="i_12b16e71317f43a5ac03a15d42d1a6e0" width="450" height="392"><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="menu" value="false" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"/><param name="wmode" value="window"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="flashvars" value="file=580b08bd9c0c4a9894dbbc6d43a9c905"/><embed name="i_64c0f9ffe92743739dec5cef7cf47369" src="" flashvars="file=580b08bd9c0c4a9894dbbc6d43a9c905" width="450" height="392" pluginspage="" allowfullscreen="true" menu="false" bgcolor="#ffffff" wmode="window" allowscriptaccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/></object> read more View full…
IACP Conference, 2012: Kris Pearson, Director of Sales, VIEVU, Inc
law_enforcement_first_responders Kris Pearson describes VIEVU as the world leader in body-worn video technology, with 23,000 customers worldwide. One of the reasons that police officers are now wearing surveillance devices, he asserts, is to capture their interaction with the public through audio and video so that they can prove what they’ve…