Dale Dougherty, one of the co-founders of O’Reilly Media, was honored by the White House as a “Champion of Change” for his work on “MAKE” Magazine, MakerFaire and the broader DIY movement. View full post on O’Reilly News and Commentary View full post on National Cyber Security
Steve Jobs: Fox News a ‘Destructive Force’
The late Apple CEO Steve Jobs had tough words for the conservative opinion channel Fox News prior to his death. Jobs called the media outlet a “destructive force in our society” at a dinner with News . . . View full post on obama hacking government – Yahoo! News Search…
HTCS1: U.S. drones are hacked and Apple looks to computer chips after the death of Steve Jobs. Hear more at http://t.co/W7B6Aw48
HTCS1: U.S. drones are hacked and Apple looks to computer chips after the death of Steve Jobs. Hear more at http://t.co/W7B6Aw48 View full post on Twitter / HTCS1 Gergory Evans
HTCS1: Technology jobs could be the answer to a better economy. Read more at http://t.co/je5l6KO8
HTCS1: Technology jobs could be the answer to a better economy. Read more at http://t.co/je5l6KO8 View full post on Twitter / HTCS1
HTCS1: Read how the country may turn to technology jobs to save the struggling economy. http://t.co/je5l6KO8
HTCS1: Read how the country may turn to technology jobs to save the struggling economy. http://t.co/je5l6KO8 View full post on Twitter / HTCS1
HTCS1: Could technology jobs be the answer to the struggling economy? Read more at http://t.co/je5l6KO8
HTCS1: Could technology jobs be the answer to the struggling economy? Read more at http://t.co/je5l6KO8 View full post on Twitter / HTCS1
There are NO free iPads / iPhones in memory of Steve Jobs
Repeat after me – Apple is not giving away any free iPads, iPhones or MacBooks in memory of Steve Jobs. Nevertheless, Steve Jobs scams claiming to offer free hardware are flourishing on Facebook. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
Bob Dowling: What would Apple’s Steve Jobs had done if he could have marched with Occupy Wall Street protesters?
NEW YORK CITY — I got back from the Occupy Wall Street demonstration at Zucotti Park in lower New York City after 11 Wednesday night to find that Steve Jobs had died. When he resigned from Apple Aug. 24, the handwriting was ominous. Jobs seemed to be capitulating to his…
Tech elite share Jobs tributes on Facebook, Google
When Steve Jobs’ friends, colleagues and even competitors wanted to share their memories and feelings about their loss, they turned to social networking sites. Jobs, the co-founder of Apple and an industry luminary, died Wednesday at the age 56. The man who battled cancer for seven years was admired as…
HTCS1: It’s just been days since Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died but cyber criminals are trying to cash in. http://t.co/XOKeQLY1
HTCS1: It’s just been days since Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died but cyber criminals are trying to cash in. http://t.co/XOKeQLY1 View full post on Twitter / HTCS1