The malware spreads itself by sending instant messages containing malicious links. View full post on eSecurityPlanet RSS Feed For more information go to, http://www., or View full post on National Cyber Security
ICS-CERT notes new malware in the middle east similar to Stuxnet
Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector: cyber_security The governments Cyber incident team warned infrastructure systems providers about a new information-stealing network malware with similarities to Duqu, Flame and Stuxnet that has infected systems primarily in middle eastern countries, but also some U.S. networks. It said the malware, nicknamed “Gauss” by Kaspersky…
Pernicious malware continues to use DOJ’s name in online scam
Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector: cyber_security Image Caption: Fake DOJ screen Electronic scammers continue to circulate malware that uses a fake U.S. Department of Justice intellectual property Website to electronically hold a user’s computers hostage until they use electronic payments to release them. The FBI’s Internet Crime and Complaint Center…
Mahdi Malware Updated (July 25 & 26, 2012)
The newest version of the Mahdi malware has some new features, according to researchers……. View full post on SANS NewsBites For more information go to, http://www., or View full post on National Cyber Security
Black Hat: Most Java malware exploits “type confusion” vulnerability
A researcher investigated Java exploits, and drew on one well-know example, to explain how one of the most common classes of attack spreads. View full post on Latest articles from SC Magazine News For more information go to, http://www., or View full post on National Cyber…
On the State of Cyber War – from the Authors of Hacking Exposed Malware & Rootkits
Hacking Exposed Malware & Rootkits authors Michael A. Davis and Aaron LeMasters on the state of cyber war around the world and the risk of cyber attacks with new weapons in malware, rootkits, viruses, and hackers threats. View full post on The Cyber Wars
Discussing the Flame malware (aka Flamer), the News and What it Means
Anup Ghosh – Founder and CEO of Invincea – talks about the discovery of the “Flame” malware and breaks down the hyperbole. For more thoughts, check out this article in Forbes: View full post on The Cyber Wars
Fake E-mails Link to Malware
According to AppRiver, the spam campaign is currently sending almost 19,000 e-mails per minute. View full post on eSecurityPlanet RSS Feed View full post on National Cyber Security
New Android malware disguised as security app
Google’s Android mobile platform is the target of a new variant of a widely used malware capable of stealing personal information. The latest Zeus malware masquerades as a premium security app to lure people into downloading the Trojan, Kaspersky Lab reported Monday. The fake security app, called the Android Security…
Banking malware SpyEye steals info by hijacking webcams and mics
SpyEye is a computer Trojan horse that specifically targets online banking users. Like its older cousin, Zeus, SpyEye is no longer being developed by its original author, but is still widely used by cybercriminals in their operations, according to Kaspersky Lab. View full post on… View full post on National…