Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A senior Cisco cyber-security specialist has urged care when interpreting the many reports from researchers and security vendors on the spread of malware. In an email exchange with about software vulnerability exploits, for this month’s Cyber Kung Fu Master Class,…
Hackers Targeting Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s iOS, 1st Major Malware Comes From China: Kevin Mahaffey
Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A hacker or group of hackers in China created the first major malware targeting Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iOS mobile operating system last year, Kevin Mahaffey said in an interview with Cory Johnson on Bloomberg West. According to the Lookout co-founder and…
New malware puts child porn on your phone and locks it
Ransomeware, the malware that was alerted last year is back again 2015. Previously, the malware would lock your smartphone and the hacker would demand a particular amount of money to be transferred to his account in order to unlock your […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Want to avoid government malware? Ask a former NSA hacker
Many of the brightest minds from the National Security Agency and GCHQ staff tire themselves out from long years of service, moving out into the comfort of the private sector. Unsurprisingly, the security industry welcomes them with open arms. After […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
NCA Cuffs Five Suspected of Slinging RAT Malware
The National Crime Agency (NCA) has arrested five people across the UK suspected of using Remote Access Trojans (RATs) to take over victim computers and steal sensitive information. In a press release issued on Friday, the NCA said the arrests took […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
How to Avoid the ‘Biggest’ iPhone Malware App Attack Yet
New malware called Wirelurker may have affected hundreds of thousands users Hong Kong Cyber Attack China More Report Links China to Cyberattacks on Hong Kong Protesters Apple Says Systems Weren’t Hacked in Nude Pics Grab Hackers are targeting Apple mobile […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Hackers Are Using Gmail Drafts to Update Their Malware and Steal Data
In his career-ending extramarital affair that came to light in 2012, General David Petraeus used a stealthy technique to communicate with his lover Paula Broadwell: the pair left messages for each other in the drafts folder of a shared Gmail […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
PoS malware infections soar ahead of holiday season
Going into the holiday season, hackers are ramping up their efforts to attack retailers and other businesses with point-of-sale malware. BackOff, which is one of the most effective strands of PoS malware and is undetectable by most anti-virus software, saw […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
The Unpatchable Malware That Infects USBs Is Now on the Loose
It’s been just two months since researcher Karsten Nohl demonstrated an attack he called BadUSB to a standing-room-only crowd at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, showing that it’s possible to corrupt any USB device with insidious, undetectable […] For more information go to, http://www.,…
Russian malware used by ‘privateer’ hackers against Ukrainian government
A hacker tool popular across underground Russian crime networks has been used in attacks on the Ukrainian government, indicating the use of “privateers” for digital espionage, according to researchers. The malware, known as BlackEnergy, appears to have been used in […] For more information go to, http://www.,…