Watch Out! The New Malware is here.

The hackers are like unstoppable when it comes to create the new malware or new strategies for the cyber crimes. Back in 2011, the source code of the malware Zeus came out. Later than in June 2013, the code of Carberp also came into view and was available on Russian…

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The new malware Heartbleed into the servers

Affecting 2500 website administrators by the Heartbleed, this malware captured the servers within one month. This virus Heartbleed is affecting the OpenSSL, which allows the access to the sensitive private keys, password, and session cookies. This malware was mailed on the day it was come into view. Half a million…

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Worm-like Android malware spreads using text messages

A bit of malware focusing on Russian-talking Android clients ill-uses an individual’s contact rundown to attempt and taint different gadgets, as stated by security seller Eset. The malware, call “Android/Samsapo.a” can download different malevolent documents to a telephone, take individual data from a gadget, for example, quick messages, and piece…

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hackers hunt for iOS malware author, Devs

jailbreak devices are  now  on  focused by  hackers and  developers  in order  to  hack those devices and steal  valuable user  and passwords , they are developing  malwares which can hack users all data specially  Iphone user name and  password An malware application  named unfold resembled with  well-known unflod has been…

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Reddit users discover iOS malware threat.

Mobile phone hacking is being credited with the discovery of a malware infection targeting iOS users. The jailbreak community discovered the infection Known as ‘Unfold Baby Panda’, the infection targets jail broken iOS handsets and is believed to be spreading through Chinese iOS software sites. The researchers believe that the stolen credentials…

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Gameover malware takes aim at and

A new variant of the Gameover computer Trojan is targeting job seekers and recruiters by attempting to steal log-in credentials for and accounts. View full post on Computerworld Cybercrime and Hacking News ________________ Other Sites You May Like: http;// – – High Tech Crime Solutions,,…

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