Yahoo malware turned up to TWO MILLION European computers into ‘Bitcoin slaves’ Virus stole computer power to make it easier for criminals to mine Bitcoins There are 21 million Bitcoins hidden across an internet-based network, which are expected to all be found – or ‘mined’ – by 2040 Security breach…
Lastline’s Innovative Anti-Hacking Service Detects and Protects Against Malware Code
Traditional anti-virus software is designed to detect the malware, or malicious software, before it disrupts and then distributes sensitive, personal information to unintended recipients. The trouble with some of those software programs, however, is speed and accuracy. As technology has progressed, so have the cyber hackers, a detail not lost on UC Santa…
Microsoft Security Essentials fails to detect more than one third of malware
If you’re running a version of Windows older than Windows 8.1 and you’re relying on Microsoft Security Essentials to protect your computer against malware, you might want to think about bolstering your protection. Tests by Dennis Technology Labs found that Microsoft’s security tool was only able to detect and…
Displaying images in Gmail may make malware delivery easier
Google introduced image proxying to Gmail on Thursday to improve security and efficiency, but there is speculation that the feature may end up bringing more harm than good. The feature – available now on desktops and in early 2014 on Gmail mobile apps – ultimately displays all images embedded within…
CryptoLocker Malware Warning
The Law Society of British Columbia has published a warning to membersconcerning a species of malware known as CryptoLocker Ransomware. The malware, thought to originate in Eastern Europe or Russia, infects your machine in the usual way, e.g. when you open a dodgy email attachment or other file; but then…
Experimental malware uses inaudible sound to defeat network air gaps
In a development likely to concern those who believe that a system that’s not connected to a network is safe from surveillance, researchers have demonstrated that microphones and speakers built into laptops can be used to covertly transmit and receive data through inaudible audio signals Michael Hanspach and Michael…
Cloud facilitates advanced malware protection, claims LastLine
Cloud computing can help protect companies against the ever increasing and ever more sophisticated malware attacks they face. That’s according to Jens Andreassen the CEO of Lastline, a security firm that specialises in protecting organisations from advanced persistent threats, Trojans and other types of malware The firm offers a hybrid…
Google Chrome reports has malware
Google Chrome is reporting that the official PHP site, contains malware that can harm your computer. Google Chrome usually is correct about identifying infected websites or websites that may harm visitor’s computers, but this time it’s hard to believe. Typing in Chrome flashes a warning message that…
Microsoft is investigating claims that some Bing ads are redirecting users to malware
Security firm ThreatTrack Security Labs today spotted that certain Bing ads are linking to sites that infect users with malware. Those who click are redirected to a dynamic DNS service subdomain which in turns serves the Sirefef malware from 109(dot)236(dot)81(dot)176. Update: Microsoft is investigating, see statement below. ThreatTrack notes that the scammers could of course be…
Fort Disco malware is now targeting email and FTP servers
IDG News Service – A piece of malware designed to launch brute-force password guessing attacks against websites built with popular content management systems like WordPress and Joomla has started being used to also attack email and FTP servers. The malware is known as Fort Disco and was documented in August by researchers…