HTCS1: LulzSec member is arrested. View full post on Twitter / HTCS1
HTCS1: Alleged LulzSec member is behind bars.
HTCS1: Alleged LulzSec member is behind bars. View full post on Twitter / HTCS1
LIGATT: Alleged LulzSec member is behind bars.
LIGATT: Alleged LulzSec member is behind bars. View full post on Twitter / LIGATT
LIGATT: LulzSec member is arrested.
LIGATT: LulzSec member is arrested. View full post on Twitter / LIGATT Gergory Evans Gregory Evans | LinkedIn Interview With Gregory Evans Gregory Evans Security Expert Gregory Evans on Cyber Crime
FBI Arrests Alleged LulzSec Member for Sony Pictures Hack
The FBI on Thursday arrested a member of the hacking group LulzSec for his alleged role in the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Cody Kretsinger, a 23-year-old Phoenix resident, was arrested this morning by the FBI after a district court in Los Angeles handed down a sealed indictment on Sept….
An Iranian member of anonymus hackers talk to BBC Persian TV
Bahman Kalbasi of BBC Persian TV interview an Iranian member of anonymous hacker group who hacked several state run web sites in Iran and all over the world recently . View full post on National Cyber Security