‘Charlatans’ Said to Exaggerate Mobile Malware Fears

Security vendors are behaving like “charlatans and scammers” by peddling antivirus apps to protect consumers from smartphone malware, Google’s open source champion Chris DiBona says in an uncompromising attack on the industry. In recent weeks, antivirus vendors including Kaspersky Lab, McAfee and even infrastructure companies Juniper Networks and IBM, have…

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Mobile device management market offers mobile device security options

The mobile device management market offers options for mobile device security challenges, but there’s no clear consensus on how to choose a product. <img alt="Mobile device management market offers mobile device security options, Blog, Security, Management, Mobile, Market, Offers, device, options"height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz &partnerID=167&key=segment”/> View full post on…

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Mobile malware exaggerated by “charlatan” vendors, says Google engineer

Security vendors are behaving like “charlatans and scammers” by peddling antivirus apps to protect consumers from smartphone malware, Google’s open source champion Chris DiBona has said in an uncompromising attack on the industry. In recent weeks, antivirus vendors including Kaspersky Lab, McAfee and even infrastructure companies Juniper Networks and IBM,…

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Mobile Malware Targets Android

Malware targeted smartphones running on Android operating system are still on the rise as nearly all new mobile malware in the third quarter was aimed at the Google platform, cyber security firm McAfee said in its latest report issued on Monday. According to McAfee’s third quarter security report, the number…

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CA Mobile Security App review

Joining the ranks of countless other paid mobile malware apps, CA Mobile Security does very little to stand out from the crowd. The user interface is not very user friendly, and there is no help menu with which you can learn the ins and outs of the app. CA does…

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2011 is the ‘year of mobile malware’

Smartphones and tablets continue to rise in popularity–among both consumers and malware developers. Traditional malware is still a large and growing threat as well, but mobile platforms represent fertile ground with less awareness and limited defenses. A new report from McAfee illustrates that malware developers are anxious to exploit mobile…

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2011 is the ‘year of mobile malware’

Smartphones and tablets continue to rise in popularity–among both consumers and malware developers. Traditional malware is still a large and growing threat as well, but mobile platforms represent fertile ground with less awareness and limited defenses. A new report from McAfee illustrates that malware developers are anxious to exploit mobile…

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