Why Your Company Needs To Hack Itself

Computer security expert Jeremiah Grossman thinks that traditional cybersecurity doesn't have what it takes to fight off today's wired intruders; he advocates companies and governments invite hackers to find weak spots in their systems. Although the year has just started, 2012 is turning out to be an annus horribilis for…

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Hacker Group specializes according to client needs

Company: Hacker Group Team size: 
 What’s new
: Focus on client growth through mobile advertising Hacker Group hires individuals who are experts in a particular discipline instead of expecting its employees to be experts in strategizing across all channels. A focus on bottom-line metrics allows the company 
to “get to…

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Five reasons your business needs unified communications

There are so many different ways to communicate with partners, customers and co-workers: by phone, email, instant messaging, fax, video conferencing and social media. Managing each system separately is not only inefficient, but can cause conflicts since they all use the same underlying technology, the Internet. Instead, establishing a single…

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