Apple Mac Flashback botnet now numbers over 600,000

Despite Apple releasing a patch for Java, the Flashback Trojan has infected 600,000 Macs, according to reports. As a result, there are 600,000 Macs being remotely controlled by the growing Mac botnet, according to Russian antivirus company Dr. Web.  The majority of the botnet computers are located in the United States…

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Flu numbers way down so far

P.E.I. health officials are wondering what’s happened with the flu virus this year. It’s the middle of March and so far there have only been nine lab-confirmed cases of the flu on the Island. One person was hospitalized last week, but has since been released. “We still feel like it’s…

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Flu numbers way down so far

P.E.I. health officials are wondering what’s happened with the flu virus this year. It’s the middle of March and so far there have only been nine lab-confirmed cases of the flu on the Island. One person was hospitalized last week, but has since been released. “We still feel like it’s…

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McAfee: Digitally-signed malware numbers jump

E-criminals are increasingly using digitally signed malware to try to circumvent computer-security measures, according to security company McAfee. The number of unique malicious binaries that use digital signatures to try to trick users, admins, and security software into trusting and running malware jumped from almost zero at the beginning of…

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