Telegram continues to gain features at a steady pace, with the latest update bringing the ability to search for messages within a specific chat window, along with better offline sync and an improved notification system. It is also easier to share links from a browser to the messaging service using…
Staying Safe With Online and Offline Computer Backups
I was just taking a look at my backup setup on the home computer yesterday. I do a lot of video work and video files are HUGE and getting bigger as 4k and RAW formats start to become mainstream. Ever wondered what 4k even means? Well here’s a nice comparison…
Basecamp Briefly Knocked Offline in DDoS Extortion Scheme
“Basecamp sustains 10 GB DDoS extortion Knockout” Basecamp, the developer of Basecamp tool, came under a powerful DDoS attack earlier this morning. According to CTO Basecamp; David Heinemeire Hasson, the Basecamp had been under a massive DDoS attack for almost three hour when it suddenly stopped. He told that the ultimate…
Feds take Social Security computers offline Feb 15 during false flag bank drill SHTF
The Social Security computer system will be down from 3 p.m. EST (2000 GMT) on Saturday until 5 a.m. EST (1000 GMT) on Tuesday, February 18, CMS said. The U…. Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or The post Feds take Social Security computers…
Al-Qaida sites knocked offline before release of ‘Salil al-Sawarim 3′ movie
U.S. intelligence sources confirmed that, Official websites of Al-Qaida were knocked offline two weeks back and still down due to DDoS attack. According to source, “This is one of the longest disruptions the organization has experienced since it set up its online distribution system in 2006. Al-Qaida also was hit…
1440+ Sites taken offline by h4x0r HuSsY (VOBHH)
As normally with VOBHH the attack is defacement based and contains a short message as well as a new message which is related to the on going hate for America over the recent Muslim video. View full post on Cyber War News View full post on The Cyber Wars
Niroo Research Institute Hacked, Offline, Data leaked
Iran power company Niroo Research Institute has been hacked by hacker using the handle yourikan who in the past has attacked the Tehran water center. View full post on Cyber War News View full post on The Cyber Wars
Tehran Water Company Hacked again, taken offline by yourikan
A hacker using the handle yourikan has been in contact with us as well as many other media company’s over the past few days in relation to a bunch of Iranian based websites that have been attacked. View full post on Cyber War News View full post on The Cyber Wars
Facebook hacked by anonymous [OFFLINE]
More info on : newest updates : Greetings from anonymous, The 5th of November will have a new meaning tomorrow. The meaning of Solidarity. Tomorrow, We will be releasing information; starting at 9 am eastern and ending at 9 pm eastern. This will be done In solidarit… View…
SpywareLady: Pirate Bay goes offline after DDOS attack by mystery hacker
SpywareLady: Pirate Bay goes offline after DDOS attack by mystery hacker View full post on Twitter / SpywareLady View full post on National Cyber Security