Smartwatches open new hacking risk: study

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans The surging market for smartwatches opens up new ground for hackers, according to researchers who found vulnerabilities in all the devices they tested. A study by Hewlett-Packard’s HP Fortify found “that 100 percent of the tested smartwatches contain significant vulnerabilities, including…

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Businesses of All Sizes Open to Cyber Attack

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans If our federal government can get hacked, so can you. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management admitted its databases had been breached. In other words, 4 million federal employee records were stolen. As evidenced by other recent breaches at Sony, Target…

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akeDwonCon Rocket City, EC-Council Foundation’s IT Security Conference, will head back to Huntsville for the third year – registration and call for papers now open

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Huntsville, AL (PRWEB) February 02, 2015 The Rocket City TakeDownCon hosted by EC-Council Foundation partner Dynetics, Inc. will deliver a comprehensive analysis of Cyber Security through EC-Council’s industry-leading training and thought-provoking keynotes in two focused tracks. The event will be at…

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Apple Pay Rival MCX Open to Other Technology

Facing pressure from supporters of Apple’s new mobile payment system, the consortium of major retailers creating a rival system said on Wednesday that it might adjust its strategy. Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or View full post on National Cyber Security

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