Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans ISIS social media accounts are buzzing with a spreadsheet of personal data on employees of the American, British, and Australian governments, including military personnel. The Islamic State claims this list was compiled using data stolen from government systems by its “hacking…
Outdated WI-FI Security Protected By Half Of London
An Infosec bod, who had been spending his time identifying insecure wireless network said that wireless security across London have been flaky. He also highlighted some user behaviors that can be exploited by the opportunists i.e. the hackers. Global head of security at Sophas, James Lyne wentwar biking across the…
South Koreans Are Stuck With Internet Explorer Thanks To An Outdated Security Law
South Korea is a technology powerhouse with nationwide broadband and electronics companies pumping out tons of cool products, but some lawmakers are trying to change a 14-year-old law that has them hanging on to Internet Explorer as the web browser of choice, The Washington Post reported earlier this week. In the…
Apple patches Safari, blocks outdated Flash Player
Apple has patched four security vulnerabilities in Safari and blocked outdated versions of Adobe’s Flash Player from running in its browser. View full post on security View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking