Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders Image Caption: Captain Mike Parker Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
This day in black history: Alice H. Parker patents the gas heating furnace
On December 23, 1919, inventor Alice H. Parker, patented her design for the gas heating furnace, which revolutionized how people heat their homes. Parker’s invention made it no longer necessary to stock and burn wood in a traditional furnace, which presented a high fire risk when left unattended. Parker’s innovative design…
Gene D Parker, Jr, Newport News, Virginia
Watch yourself around Gene aka G aka Gin aka Thoughtz aka NF4BLE1. If you have f***** him before or dating him, run the other way. He is a dog. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He screwed me over and a whole lot of women. He claims he has “friends” but…
thomas Parker Jr. Philadelphia, Chester County PA
Liar cheat. Your next. Be careful. Works security in casinos. Watch bank accounts to View full post on Report Your Ex Read More…. View full post on Select From Our Menu
gregory parker homelesa in phoenix, az
He can’t get over his ex. He purposely picks fights so he can go running back to her. He steals money from me. Kicks me out of car so he can GI see her. I’ve sup p ported him throughout our whole 9 month relationship. He is a liar, thief…
robert parker pittsburgh pa usa.
rob is one of the biggest liars i have ever encountered! he is a facebook and instagram whore thats how he gets his women thats how he got me.he stays in women’s inboxes on fb telling them things they wanna hear he comes off as a good person but when…
gregory parker
Gregory Parker is addicted to porn, drugs, and sex with men and women. I called it quits for good when I recently caught him in bed with another man, a man who is rumored to have aids. View full post on Read More…. View full post on Select From…
greg parker, phoenix, az, united states
Greg Parker is addicted to drugs, porn, men and women. I caught him in the act of performing oral sex on a man who is rumored to have aids. I am waiting on my test results myself. Beware of unprotected sex with this man. View full post on Report Your…
Sean Parker and Al Gore discuss ‘Occupy Democracy’ and the ‘hacking’ of U.S. politics at South by Southwest
AUSTIN, Tex. — Most years at the technology portion of South by Southwest festival here, the buzz follows location-based apps, games or communication tools. This year, though, a political undercurrent has charged the event. Read full article >> View full post on hacking tools – Yahoo! News Search Results View…