The YRV plan PART 1 the analogy of how the plan will fix things

The YRV plan PART 1 the analogy of how the plan will fix things Anonymous, film, Anonymous, group, Operation, Anti-Terrorism, Stop, Online, Piracy, Act, SOPA, National, Defense, Authorization, NDAA, Cyber, Security, of, 2012, CSTA, Internet, free, domain, Megaupload, Censorship, Google, Wikipedia, collective, Blackout, Freedom, Democracy, Occupy, Declaration, War, American, United,…

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CSA and netForensics present Best Practices for MSPs and Secure Cloud Computing – Part 1/Intro

Cloud Security Alliance Executive Director, Jim Reavis introduces a best practice video series focused on considerations for secure cloud computing. The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses…

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3rd Security Blogger Summit – cyber-activism part 2

The 3rd Security Blogger Summit, held in Madrid, focused on cyber-activism and cyber-war as well as on the new dangers posed to users and institutions on the Internet. The roundtable discussion centered around the most recent examples of these emerging phenomenons, international cooperation and the limits to these activities on…

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Day-Con III Dayton Security Summit 2009 Part I

Day-Con is an annual hacker conference held in beautiful Dayton, Ohio – birthplace of aviation and city of innovators! Learn, Work and Play Harder The format of the event is one day of lectures featuring world class content and “Point of Origin Hacking”, a day of simulated cyber war with…

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