The 3-step plan to make your website harder to hack

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans When a big website like Lenovo’s gets hacked, it’s news. But most such attacks take place under the radar, at smaller sites lacking the skills or time to protect themselves. Take the legions of WordPress-based sites, which got a rude awakening…

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Advocating the 10-10-50 Empowerment Plan

The nonprofit organization African Community Centers for Unity and Self-Determination, Inc. (ACCUSD) proposes the basic 10-10-50 Empowerment Plan for the global interest of African communities in America and beyond. The 10-10-50 undertaking is a monthly dedication based on a person’s participation in community service and business investment. The concept was created for the means…

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Conformation: US Military plan CONOP 8888 was developed to fight the Katrina Zombie Syndrome

This is Federal Desensitizing Propaganda. The plan was leaked to Foreign Policy Magazine. Why them? “Counter-Zombie Dominance” CONOP 8888 is the name of the … Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or View full post on National Cyber Security

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White House details plan to protect Pacific waters

Lorrie Barclay Top Priority Sector:  infrastructure_protection The White House announced on Tuesday new plans to expand the preservation of marine areas in the Pacific Ocean in an effort to thwart overfishing and environmental damage. Read More…. For more information go to, http://www., or The post White…

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No Plan for New Criminal Laws to Wardfare Cyberbullying

According to Liberal MP Paul Fletcher There will be no new federal criminal law provisions introduced to punish cyber bullies as part of the government’s plans to combat online bulling with the establishment of the Office of the Children’s E-Safety Commissioner. “We have reached a view based on our consultations…

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