IT Business Products : Which is Right for You: Netbook or Notebook?

Netbooks are ultra-light, ultra-affordable, and easy to carry. Notebooks are full-sized, full-performance—and full-priced. Here’s what you’ll need to know to make the savviest and most cost-effective choice. Samsung recommends Windows® 8. Light vs. Ultralight Both styles of PC are designed for easy travel, yet there’s a notable difference between the lighter-than-air…

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IT Business Products : HDTV Monitor 101

The latest HDTV monitors connect with your computer, but since they include a digital TV antenna and support for digital devices, you can also connect them to your cable/satellite box, Blu-ray player, or game console. There’s no reason to choose between a multifunction computer monitor and a high-end HDTV—new displays…

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