Anonymous: Response to Sheriff Abdalla

Dear Sheriff Abdalla, Statements you made in the news conference on January 4, 2013 were quite humorous. You stated that #KnightSec isn’t the “real Anonymous”. What you don’t understand, is that everyone is Anonymous. Anonymous isn’t one person. As a matter of fact, Anonymous isn’t even a group of people….

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Anonymous: Response to #FawkesSecurity’s threats

Greetings from Anonymous. This message is to the media.Yesterday, the Twitter account @FawkesSecurity posted a link to a paste bin and a YouTube video that stated the following. As of today 200 kilograms of composite Nitroglycerin and commercial explosives. have effectively been concealed in a government building. Let us be…

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Government response to Hurricane Sandy detailed

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  disaster_preparedness_emergency_response Image Caption:  Atlantic City, NYOct. 31 As top Department of Homeland Security officials crisscross the states devastated by Hurricane Sandy on Nov. 1, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provided details on the massive federal recovery response to the storm. Homepage position:  10 read…

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