Who Should Be Responsible For IT Security?

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Typically, when a cybersecurity problem arises, it’s the IT department that gets it in the neck. Ostensibly, that makes sense. After all, if someone is in your network mining your database for corporate secrets, it’s hardly the office manager or the…

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Lena Dunham: Hacker Responsible For Stealing Naked Celebrity Photos Is A ‘Sex Offender’

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans This weekend’s revelation that dozens of celebrities and famous personalities were victims of a targeted hacking aimed at exposing private, sexually suggestive photos has reopened the conversation about online security and privacy. Lena Dunham, the award-winning creator and star of […]…

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Israel Under massive Cyber Attacks, Anonymous Responsible

A Group of Hackers Collectively known as  Anonymous have launched “Operation Israel Birthday”. Thousands of Israeli Web servers have been hacked including government websites , corporations and private websites.   Anonymous have named this Operation as as #OpIsraelBirth , Many Arabs Hackers have also jumped into this ongoing war, Anonymous…

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