You might not be able to recover your money if your card is lost or stolen. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wants to change that. They’re especially popular among millennials, whom surveys have found to be For more information go to, http://www., or View full post…
64% of people think cloud storage is risky, but 45% still go right ahead and use it
Sophos polled people at their InfoSec Europe booth last week to find out their views on security in the workplace. Here’s what they found. View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
Managing X.509 certificates by spreadsheet too risky, says Gartner
Poor management of the X.509 certificates that underpin SSL security could explain a growing number of mysterious system outages, a Gartner report has suggested. The biggest problem is simply the number of certificates which many businesses find themselves using for e-commerce and machine-to-machine communication which according to Gartner many still…
Managing X.509 certificates by spreadsheet risky, says Gartner
Poor management of the X.509 certificates that underpin SSL security could explain a growing number of mysterious system outages, a Gartner report has suggested. The biggest problem is simply the number of certificates which many businesses find themselves using for e-commerce and machine-to-machine communication which according to Gartner many still…
Men engage in more ‘risky online behavior’ than women, study shows (Digital Trends)
Digital Trends – Be careful out there, guys. According to a new study conducted by Internet security firm Bitdefender, men are more likely to fall victim to data theft on social networks like Facebook and Twitter than women. View full post on Yahoo! News: Security News View full post on…
Kenya: Smartphone Surfing Can Be Risky? Seek Protection
Have you ever lost data from your smart phone in unexplainable circumstances? Does your smartphone hang or switch off unexpectedly? If yes, then you need to be extremely worried. View full post on computer security alerts – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security Gergory Evans…
US credit cards outmoded, risky
NEW YORK – The next time you swipe your credit card at a check-out, consider this: It’s a ritual the rest of the world deems outdated and unsafe. View full post on credit card fraud – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
Heidi Klum named most risky celeb on the web
Supermodel and TV host Heidi Klum was named as the most dangerous celebrity in cyberspace, inviting malware and viruses to flourish on computers. Internet security firm McAfee said searching for downloads and screensavers for the Project Runaway judge and former Victoria’s Secret model runs a nearly one in 10 chance…
How risky is banking by smartphone?
Adobe India: Get more with the Adobe Acrobat Savings Bundle NEC adds sparkling shine to the experience that’s unmistakably Taj. SAP:Take the Test Drive today to see for yourself how easy SAP Business By design is to use Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security » Spyware/…
Banking by smartphone can be risky
J.T. Pierce’s bank is right next to his Foster City workplace. But he hardly ever visits the branch, since he uses online banking to take care of most of his banking needs. “I’ve been banking online since college,” said the 26-year-old San Francisco resident. “As soon as I was able…