Apple usually isn’t all that subtle when it comes to putting down competitors, especially Google. But, Google tends to be a bit more passive aggressive with its jabs, and that shows again in the new announcement to developers talking about how to deep link to iOS apps from Google search…
Pwn2own: Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox Exploited,Researchers earn $1m
Annual CanSecWest conference in Vancouver and Pwnium Pwn2Own hacking contests, prizes, security researchers earned more than a million dollars to download code 34 serious zero-day flaws exposed , and the Canadian Red Cross for $ 82 , 000 earned more . On stage their attacks successfully demonstrate and walk away…
Apple patches Safari, blocks outdated Flash Player
Apple has patched four security vulnerabilities in Safari and blocked outdated versions of Adobe’s Flash Player from running in its browser. View full post on security View full post on National Cyber Security » Computer Hacking
12.11.16 Apple Safari International Domain Name URI Spoofing
CVEs: CVE: CVE-2012-0584 Platform: Cross Platform View full post on @RISK: The Consensus Security Alert View full post on National Cyber Security
How Google got around Apple’s Safari privacy protection
Jonathan Mayer, a graduate student at Stanford, caused a major stir this morning when he published research showing how Google used loopholes within Apple’s Safari browser cookie-blocking policy to place unexpected third party cookies within the browser. In this article we’ll detail Mayer’s findings and their implications for Safari users….
Hackers could crash Windows 7 with Safari browser code exploit
Microsoft is currently investigating reports of a zero-day vulnerability in Windows 7 64-bit that leads to crashes and could allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. The security flaw can be exploited by opening a web page containing a specially-crafted iframe using Apple’s Safari browser. Twitter user WebDEViL…