Is CISPA the new SOPA? This article decodes the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, the scariest threat to Internet freedom and privacy currently before the U.S. Congress. View full post on cyber pirate – Yahoo! News Search Results View full post on National Cyber Security
The scariest thing about the Flashback trojan: I have no idea how to fight it
For four years in college I worked in my school’s IT department. It was nice, my job, because honed my computer skills on a variety of fronts, teaching me the ups and downs of how to identify and fix all sorts of computer problems. Malware removal was at the forefront of these skills. Pretty…
The 10 scariest hacks from Black Hat and Defcon
Feature NoSQL standouts: New databases for new applications Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Redis, Riak, Neo4J, and FlockDB reinvent the data store more Article source: View full post on National Cyber Security