Sen. Schumer aims to make metal theft a federal offense

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  infrastructure_protection Critical infrastructure isn’t just under electronic assault, according to one New York lawmaker. It is also being physically assaulted by metal thieves cutting away at bridges, gas lines and other facilities, in search of a quick buck. As scrap metal prices skyrocket, metal thieves…

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Schumer aims to make metal thef ta federal offense

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  infrastructure_protection Critical infrastructure isn’t just under electronic assault, according to one New York lawmaker, it’s also being physically assaulted by metal thieves cutting away at bridges, gas lines and other facilities in search of a quick buck. As scrap metal prices skyrocket, metal thieves pose…

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Schumer pushes increased NEXUS enrollment in western NY

Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector:  border_security Image Caption:  Peace Bridge Canadian and U.S. border authorities, said Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) have approved his plan to open NEXUS card mobile enrollment stations at malls, post offices and local businesses in the western part of his state to ease international crossings at…

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