Scientology Hacking Scandal! Two Leading Church Critics Were Hacking Victims, Dept. Of Justice Reveals — FBI Investigation Next?

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Two leading Scientology critics are calling upon the FBI and U.S. Attorneys office to investigate the church today after they were notified by the Department of Justice that they have been the victims of a hacker. Eric Saldarriaga, a private investigator…

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Scientology and me [Documentary Full]

Scientology and me [Documentary Full] JOIN US: Against New World Order Tags: anonymous,… ________________________ – – –

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Scientology and the imaginary girlfriend of Manti Te’o are TFU

Is Scientology Self-Destructing? Indonesian judge in hot water for suggesting rape victims enjoy it Anti-gay activist lawyer guilty of child pornography after videotaping daughter The absolute horror that is the Sandy Hook Truthers The bizarre world of Manti Te’o and his imaginary dead girlfriend: Read More…….

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Anonymous vs Scientology

Anonymous is a nebulous and faceless group that normally lives comfortably on the Internet but has chosen to step into meatspace on this particular day to face off with the Church of Scientology, an organization which it considers to be illegal and immorally coercive. Scientology labels Anonymous a ‘cyber terrorist’…

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Anonymous Documentary II – Scientology

Anonymous is a group of online crims, some naive enough to think that DDOSing” is not illegal (it is a Federal offense) or that “doxing” is something higher than a violation of constitutional rights. The intelligence of their members varies but most of them are arrogant and blind to human…

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