In a companion post, How to Securely Erase Removable Media Using Mac OS X, I explain how physical loss, theft or improper disposal of laptops or removable drives is the most common data breach of electronic personal health information. Personal identifying or health data disclosure are too frequent outcomes of…
How to Securely Delete Data from Hard Drives
Don’t let that old hard drive leave the building without first scrubbing it clean of all data. View full post on eSecurityPlanet RSS Feed View full post on National Cyber Security
Organisations struggle to safely and securely delegate sys-admin tasks
If organisations had more confidence to delegate mundane tasks to junior staff and contractors they could free up more time for senior staff. [Read More…] View full post on View full post on National Cyber Security
Mobile Wallets—How I Make Mobile Payments Securely
Some say there will be a day when the wallet you carry in your pocket or purse will become obsolete. The plan is to eliminate all our credit cards, store cards, and IDs and use our mobile phones as our primary means of commerce and identification. The technology behind mobile…