9 Seriously Shocking Cyber Security Statistics

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Most companies are aware of Cybercrime, however many are yet to make a change to their level of Cyber security, largely because they’ve not been burnt first hand. Underestimating the cost of a cyber-attack on your business can have significant repercussions…

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Israeli Ministry Wants a Cyper Security Lab

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans Cyber attacks are the leading threat to infrastructure in Israel; such a laboratory is would be able simulate attacks and fine-tune response protocols. The Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water Resources wants to establish a cyber laboratory, and has published…

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Safran in Talks Over Future of ID & Security Business

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans LONDON—French aerospace supplier SafranSA is in talk with several groups over the future of its identity and security business after it reported first-half operating profit rose 11%, propelled by strong demand for new aircraft engines. Safran has narrowed discussions to five…

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