Anonymous: Message to SONY on SOPA

UPDATE: (Quelle: TheAnonMessage) A message from Anonymous to SONY: Dear MPAA/RIAA Meet Sony. Sony is a dog. Sony is your dog. Cease and desist in pursuing your ridiculous futile decade-long crusade against grandmas, innovators, teenagers, and dead people. If you do not, we will kill your dog. Signed, Anonymous…

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Anonymous_ Message to SONY on SOPA

UPDATE: (Quelle: TheAnonMessage) A message from Anonymous to SONY: Dear MPAA/RIAA Meet Sony. Sony is a dog. Sony is your dog. Cease and desist in pursuing your ridiculous futile decade-long crusade against grandmas, innovators, teenagers, and dead people. If you do not, we will kill your dog. Signed, Anonymous…

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Opponents Cheer the Demise of SOPA, PIPA

Not surprisingly, the demise of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) was met with jubilation from the various organizations and companies that had battled against them. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), meanwhile, which took a rather hardline approach to Wednesday’s Internet blackout,…

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What the heck is SOPA?

We’re sure that most of you have at least heard of SOPA. Major websites such as Wikipedia have blacked out sections of their content today to raise awareness.In some locations, Google has blacked out its logo.The concern of many speech and privacy advocates is that SOPA, which stands for Stop…

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Wikipedia to join Reddit in SOPA shutdown

Wikipedia has decided to black out the English version of the online encyclopedia for 24 hours on Wednesday to protest against controversial legislation in the US. The move follows similar plans by other Internet sites including social news site Reddit which will black out its site for 12 hours on…

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Reddit blackout looms in SOPA protest

Social news site Reddit will black out its site for 12 hours on 18 January to protest the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act SOPA bill that is currently working its way through the US House of Representatives.            Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wale said that his firm may also conduct…

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