(Credit: CNET) Today’s malware purveyor bears little resemblance to the outcast-teenage-loner caricature popular in days past. Last November the FBI’s Operation Ghost Click led to the arrest of six Estonians charged with promulgating the DNSChanger malware, which the FBI claims allowed the gang to steal $14 million by manipulating the…
Apple malware became more sophisticated in 2011
Malware aimed at Macs is still insignificant compared to Windows but Apple users should to pay careful attention to the growing threat from social engineering attacks, a report has found. The Year in Mac Security by Apple security company Intego divides 2011 into two halves before and after the day,…
2012 Will See a Rise in Cyber-espionage Attacks and Sophisticated Malware, Experts Say
The security industry expects the number of cyber-espionage attacks to increase in 2012 and the malware used for this purpose to become increasingly sophisticated. In the past two years there has been a surge in the number of malware-based attacks that resulted in sensitive data being stolen from government agencies,…
Book Chronicles Fight to Save Web From Sophisticated Computer Worm
Listen to the Audio JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight, the story of a potent computer worm. Margaret Warner has our book conversation. MARGARET WARNER: In November 2008, computer security experts began detecting a new, highly sophisticated computer worm. They called it Conficker. Ultimately, it invaded at least 12 million computers worldwide….