Ashley Bennett Top Priority Sector: disaster_preparedness_emergency_response Inovonics, a Louisville, CO based provider of wireless sensor networks for life safety and commercial applications, will sponsor a school safety panel entitled “Beyond School Shootings: Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
Meet the Sponsors: Vanguard, the heart of government data centers, sponsors GSN awards program
Mark Rockwell Top Priority Sector: cyber_security Vanguard Integrity Professionals lies close to the venerable hearts of government data centers.Vanguard is recognized as the information security expert for agencies and enterprises that use the 64-bit operating system developed for mainframe computers, IBM z/OS systems, at the hub of their data centers….
Meet the Sponsors: Teradata, a leader in data warehousing, supports GSN awards program
Jacob Goodwin Top Priority Sector: cyber_security Teradata Corp., one of the top companies in the data warehousing and Big Data niches, has become the latest sponsor of the 2012 Government Security News homeland security awards competition. As such, Teradata will help bestow honors on winning companies and government agencies which…
CISPA sponsors support amendments addressing privacy concerns
The sponsors of a controversial cyberthreat information-sharing bill will offer new amendments to address privacy concerns, with changes focused on limiting how government agencies can use information shared by private companies, as the bill comes to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives this week. View full post on…