COMMENTARY | Every week, we hear a story or two about a new target of the hacker group Anonymous. Within the last week, Anonymous has claimed it would take down the Fox News website and Mexico’s Zeta Cartel. Even though many targets have been announced over the last few months,…
Google’s Picasa and Yahoo! Groups used to spread spam
Spammers are turning to Google and Yahoo! to help them spread their wares. Shouldn’t Google and Yahoo! follow industry best practices of confirming your interest before sending you email? View full post on Naked Security – Sophos View full post on National Cyber Security
Automated Skype calls spread fake anti-virus warning [VIDEO]
As more and more people become acquainted by the tricks used by internet scammers and cybercriminals, so they are pressed to find new social engineering tricks in their hope of tricking the unwary. One of the schemes we have heard of involves unsolicited calls via Skype, where an automated message…
Criminals impersonate UK police to spread ransom Trojan
The recent spate of ransom malware has taken a strange turn with the news that criminals are impersonating the UK’s Metropolitan Police Service in an attempt to persuade victims to pay a fine for being caught accessing extremist or porn websites. After apparently being alerted by members of the public…
Cyber-thieves targeting Facebook to spread ‘identity detecting’ malware infections
London, July 6 (ANI): Cyber-thieves are reportedly targeting trusted social networking sites like Facebook by spreading malware infections that can quietly hack users’ passwords as they go about logging into their profiles and bank accounts, with the intention of stealing their identities and money. Although malware infections are nothing new…