State Department email attack ‘fits pattern’ of Russian hackers, says expert

The State Department has shut down its email system after it was reportedly hacked. The department’s entire unclassified email system was closed down to repair possible damage. A senior US official said that the department detected “activity of concern” in […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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State Department Shuts Down Unclassified Email System Over Hacker Attack

The department’s classified systems, however, remain unaffected The U.S. State Department disabled its entire unclassified email system on Friday in the face of a cyberattack, a senior official said. Technicians are working to repair the potential damage caused to the […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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‘State sponsored’ Russian hacker group linked to cyber attacks on neighbours

A hacker group believed to be sponsored by the Russian government has attacked governments in Georgia, the Caucasus and eastern Europe, as well as Nato and defence contractors across the west of Europe. The so-called APT28 group has been sending […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Daytona State professor’s advice on cybercrime: Be afraid

Philip Craiger wants to put a bug in everyone’s ear: Be afraid of cyberattacks. Be very afraid. In the wake of a hacking scandal that exposed personal photographs of celebrities and a Home Depot security breach that compromised the company’s […] For more information go to, http://www.,…

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Hacker strikes state of Delaware website

Source: National Cyber Security – Produced By Gregory Evans A hacker appears to have broken into the state of Delaware’s treasury division website with an anti-Israel, pro-Palestine message. The message states in part, “Hacking sites will not stop unless Gaza is free.” It is not known at what time […]…

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State launches pilot criminal records program

A North Dakota state agency has launched the pilot program of an enhanced law enforcement records system in an effort to keep up with increasing expectations and changing crime trends. For more information go to, http://www., or The post State launches pilot criminal records program appeared…

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Hackers nailed for hacking the state websites

An international hacking group named Anonymous has found in the cities of Perth and Sydney for attacking the government and overseas websites. So many of the equipments were recovered from their homes in which many of the data is contained and it took a lot of time to examine that…

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Iowa State University server hacked

Its  of course  not a  good  news for thousand of  ISU  former students because  they are  having  a their social security number  on  university server which was breached by hacker .   However Iowa State University server says  here are  no evidence  that data file  which has confidential information  were…

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