Sony has announced the SmartBand 2. The fitness tracker now features a heart rate monitor that can check your pulse, and even your stress levels in conjunction with the accelerometer. While it does not feature a display, the SmartBand 2 does offer customizable LEDs that you can use to configure…
Double stress: how to avoid stress from being stressed
Just when it looks like you have finally reached your maximum threshold for stress, there is something else you can now stress out about–stress. Yes, that is right, you can indeed stress about being stressed, and this “double stress” could possibly be more dangerous for your health. A 2013 article…
Federal judge approves computer voice stress analysis to monitor sex offenders
Ashley Bennett Top Priority Sector: law_enforcement_first_responders A recent ruling from a U. Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
10 quick relaxation techniques for stress
Photo: Getty Images Chances are, your ever-growing to-do list does not include one very important task: Relax. But managing stress is key to staying healthy. Think you don’t have time to unwind? Each of these stress-relieving tips can be completed in less than 15 minutes. 1. Meditate A few minutes…
The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress helps disaster psychiatry become a new field of study
Ashley Bennett Top Priority Sector: disaster_preparedness_emergency_response The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS) has pushed “Disaster Psychiatry” to the forefront of the field. Read More…. View full post on The Cyber Wars
At RSA: New data reinforces intimate stories of career stress and burnout
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Getting closer to understanding post-traumatic stress disorder
Author: The Force Science Research Center New research that analyzed the genetics of students on a college campus where an active shooter killed 5 people (plus himself) and injured 21 may help in eventually predicting which individuals are most susceptible to Acute Stress Disorder, which is a precursor to PTSD….