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Video shows how to remove an S Pen stuck inside the Samsung Galaxy Note5
As we told you a few days ago, because of a design change on the Samsung Galaxy Note5, inserting the S Pen into the phone the wrong way could leave it stuck inside the device. And if you try to remove it, the mechanism inside the phablet can be broken…
South Koreans Are Stuck With Internet Explorer Thanks To An Outdated Security Law
South Korea is a technology powerhouse with nationwide broadband and electronics companies pumping out tons of cool products, but some lawmakers are trying to change a 14-year-old law that has them hanging on to Internet Explorer as the web browser of choice, The Washington Post reported earlier this week. In the…
What happens when your stuck on an alien planet.
this is the result of extreame boredom. ___________________________ Read More…. View full post on Select From Our Menu
Why cyber defence is stuck in a dilemma
Cyber defence faces a growing disconnect between perception and reality. There are two main camps in the information security world today, and their arguments can be compared to the recent sports debate over whether Tim Tebow can be successful as an NFL quarterback in the long term. In one camp,…
Stuck on Apple logo 4.2.1 Jailbreak fix
Hey guys, many people who have jailbroken their devices on 4.2.1 with Redsn0w, may have turned off or re-booted their device, and couldn’t be able to get it out of teatherd mode. This is because timing and getting it 100% right is Key. So here are the instructions again: –…
Migrants in United Arab Emirates Get Stuck in Web of Debt
“When they put me in shackles, that was the worst,” said Ms. Naces, who had $27,000 in unpaid bills, mostly from helping her grown son start a business back in the Philippines that later failed. “I felt so degraded.” For years, banks all but threw credit cards at the foreigners…